Le prime recensioni dell’iPad

Le cose iniziano a farsi interessanti: sono uscite le prime recensioni dell’iPad. Segnalo quelle che mi sono piaciute di più:

Apple iPad Review – Walt Mossberg

[..] because the iPad is a new type of computer, you have to feel it, to use it, to fully understand it and decide if it is for you, or whether, say, a netbook might do better.

Looking at the iPad from 2 angles – David Pogue

The haters tend to be techies; the fans tend to be regular people. Therefore, no single write-up can serve both readerships adequately. There’s but one solution: Write separate reviews for these two audiences.

iPad is pure innovation – Andy Ihnatko

Well, I’m here to tell you that in fact, we haven’t seen tablets before. And maybe the iPad is the only true tablet we’ll get in 2010.

Tra le cose più interessanti, l’autonomia della batteria che supera le previsioni Apple (fino a 12 ore di video, invece di 10), e la possibilità di usare la tastiera bluetooth dell’iMac.

Qui sotto trovato anche la videorecensione di PCMag:
